Gabrielle Brown
Accredited Instructor, and owner of GLOW PilatesGabrielle is at the forefront of Pilates tuition in South Australia, having founded GLOW Pilates and Body Conditioning Centre in 2001. Over the years she has lead a team of wonderful national and international accredited instructors and now as society has changed she has had to scale down due to the present climate since the covid 19 pandemic has struck the world. Still here to offer her expertise to people as well as many of her long term clients, some that have been regular at GLOW ongoing for over 18 years.
Prior to her Pilates instructor training, Gabrielle experienced the benefits of Pilates personally as Pilates is a powerful method of overcoming reoccurring structural ailments which were effecting her daily life, such as migraines, enabling her to strengthen and change her posture for her total well being. As an ex dancer in modern dance and ballet, Pilates resonated deeply with her with it’s system and philosophy of integrated flowing movement. The therapeutic syllabus has always been a specific interest for her.
Gabrielle’s basic training in The Authentic Pilates method was with the APMA in 2000. Since then she has continued post graduate training in specialist Pilates method accreditations, such as Pre & Post Natal specialist care, Remedial Pilates including Pre op and Post op. whilst maintaining International and National qualifications in Bodywork Therapies. Her accreditations include massage, Bowen Therapy, Reiki, natural skin therapy and dietetics. The application of therapeutic body treatments such as Bowen therapy assists clients of GLOW Pilates to have a holistic approach to improving their health and wellbeing. Gabrielle has also developed her specialty instructor’s course and has been invited to teach both overseas and locally. She also presents short lectures for Bodywork workshops.
Having over 30 years of professional practice, Gabrielle also draws on a wealth of experience having worked and toured around Australia and New Zealand with professional dance companies and theatre productions.
Glow provides a personal touch to meet an individuals needs along with a holistic approach to their assist in improving and correcting posture and easing health ailments with attention to detail. Gabrielle also provides mentoring for Pilates students to assist them with completing their Pilates accreditation. Gabrielle liaises with leading medical professionals, surgeons, physiotherapists, chiropractors and health practitioners, who refer their patients to and confer with Gabrielle. Her holistic and healing approach enables clients to receive the utmost of professional care to assist them to achieve their desired goals in a relaxing and fun way.